Monday, December 8, 2014

100 year old Cheese sauce recipe

This sauce is  perfect for  vegetables,  especially broccoli and cauliflower.  It is easy to prepare   and stores well in the fridge.

100 year old cheese sauce recipe

2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1 1/2 cups milk
1/4 tsp salt
1/6 tsp paprika
1 tsp lemon juice
1/2 cup grated cheese

Cream the butter and flour together over a medium low heat until well blended.  Add the milk gradually  and stir until it comes to a boil.  Let simmer for  five minutes  (continue stirring to avoid scorching and sticking) then add  the salt, paprika, lemon juice  and cheese.  Continue to  cook  until cheese is melted.  When cheese is melted  remove from heat and immediately pour over blanched vegetables.

I love this recipe because  any kind of cheese can be used.  Cheddar is classic, cream cheese  without  the paprika makes  a beautiful white sauce and smoked  gouda will turn any vegetable into a gourmet dish.
This is an easy recipe to switch   the  herbs and seasonings around in.  Parsley can be a great substitute for the paprika or if you are looking a for slightly minty flavor for a white sauce add a   little tarragon.
You can turn it into an alfredo sauce by using  parmesan, garlic and parsley.

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